Friday, February 17, 2012


Why am I uncomfortable with this occupy wallstreet craze?  Do I feel sad for people down on their luck?  Maybe I have a hard time seeing successful businesses and entrepreneurs being beaten down when they provide opportunity for people like me.  Could I be having a pride issue problem?  Hopefully three negatives make a positive!

How could I be part of this ninety nine percent?  There must be a problem with the percentages.  No, I have to be a ninety nine percenter, but I think there may be a definition problem.  If I heard it right, the ninety nine percent are all of us who have been demeaned by the rich and terrible one percent.  Isn't it nice to be a part of the majority?  Why occupy wallstreet?  Why not pound the pavement?  It may be true, the calculations are off because the wrong factors were defined.

Desperation changes us.  We lose our jobs, the bills continue.  We divorce, responsibility still lingers.  We abort, what could have been still gnaws at us.  We change jobs, there are still people to deal with.  Instead of allowing myself to grow through trials, I miss the opportunity and climb down the stairs into the pit of discouragement.  Soon the heat gets colder, the lights get dimmer and the food becomes tasteless.  Down in my heart I know my surroundings haven't changed so much but my ability to  function has disappeared.  If I don't check myself, I begin to blame others and feel mistreated.  Surely I'm not that much different than anyone else.  We all strive to do better, to move to the next level, to press on to greater things...don't we? 

There is the defining factor!  I'm part of the one percenters who are actually the ninety nine percent.  The very few 99% who are actually the 1% are in more trouble then they think.  They have given up and want someone to rescue them.  Their gifts and abilities are being cut short because the pit of discouragement is swallowing them.  Our wonderful country has provided a helping hand to pull me up the stairs and get me going again.  Lately, however, the hand no longer helps, instead it holds me back to feed on its morsels and lures me into dependence.

The one percent spends it's time complaining and dragging us down.  They have nothing to offer.  Don't quit.  You've got what it takes.  Come with me up the stairs, out of discouragement.  Sharpen your abilities and help this country be great.  Be part of the ninety nine percent who strive to do better, move to the next level and press on to greater things.

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