Monday, January 6, 2014

The Fixer

I have a brother who is a fixer.  He makes things from nothing to do better things than were done before.  He designs, welds, wires, bolts and builds magnificent machines.  When people misuse or overuse, he fly's all over the world and reinvents, recreates and resolves the situation. 

I sometimes think I am a fixer.  Really though, I think I'm a "smooth-overer".  My brother welds and bolts...I put on a Band-Aid and a piece of tape.  He rewires...I use an extension cord.  He re-sheet rocks and plasters....I slap up an old door to cover the problem. 

When we were young we had these motorized contraptions we called "go-carts" and "mini bikes".  I would drive these little vehicles all over our farm and had quite a lot of fun, actually.  They were never quite fast enough, efficient enough or perfect enough for my brother so most of the time they were in the garage being worked on.  I don't know why he would always do that, they worked fine...or so I thought.  But after each "brotherly" session the toys performed better. 

I believe my brother has a piece of the personality of my God.  My God is not a "band-aider" an "extension corder" or a"slap-overer".  He is the ultimate fixer!  I have so far to go but when I put my life in His hands He keeps shutting me down to rework and retool me so I can be more effective and efficient for His work.  He puts me out there again and I get in the way and misfire and short out but He gently takes me, not to the woodshed, but to His work shop and revives my unwilling spirit and sends me out for another try. 

I am glad my God is a fixer and not a recycler or I would have seen the crusher many years ago.

Am I ok with revisiting that little boy from long ago and be satisfied with chugging along in life? Or will I listen to my Savior, the ultimate fixer and enter His workshop and allow myself to be refurbished for the work of the Kingdom? 

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