Recently my daughter was married. Along with the celebration came many of her friends. It may not have been the idea of these people to include me as one of their friends but they stole my heart so what can you do? I have added them to my list of special people. Many of Heidi's school comrades stayed with us and I can't tell you all the sweetness, laughter, long talks and just plain fun I enjoyed with these new friendships that were created.
I am incredibly blessed to have so many friends...or am I? What is it with friends? They freshen your life, they accentuate your demeanor, they push you to higher levels, they cry for you, they pray for you, they bail you out, they take you in, they hold you up and pull you along. they build you up and strengthen you... they humble you and keep you accountable. Why am I worthy of this? What do I have to offer? And even so, though I don't offer much, they don't care. I am accepted, propped up, prayed over, laughed with and fed much.
Then they leave and it's not just a bump in the road to climb's a hole in my life to crawl out of. My friend left us and went to be with Jesus. Don't get me wrong, I don't begrudge him since many of our talks included a desire to see our God. Time with Kent was limited since normal life took up most of our time... then why this deep hole? Is this friendship thing all it's made out to be?
Kent was electric! You may think I'm just using a descriptive word... but that's what he was. I have a ninety nine cent extension cord running though my body. Kent was an electrical grid spewing energy all throughout the room. I don't think I remember any punch lines to Kent's jokes because I was waiting for him to explode. And when he talked about his Lord every muscle was twitching and his mind was so far out in front of his mouth because he so wanted to describe the wonder of it all. One never noticed how often he served others because it was so commonplace. And you knew his life was always true, with no show, because his family exemplified his instruction and faithfulness.
Would there be no holes if there were no friendships? Would the sorrow be less if the love was less? I should think the sorrow is great because the love is deep... and would I want it any other way? Thanks Kent for allowing me into your wonderful place of friendship. You will be greatly missed.
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