Monday, July 13, 2015


Power gives me the opportunity to do many things.  As a Christian I see God's power as my only chance to accomplish the plans he sets before me.  Does God's power give me the potential to stray?  Misguided physical power may enable me to intimidate others.  Financial power may help me sway decisions.  The power of leadership has the possibility of uncontrolled trust.  Whatever type of power I possess it gives me the upper hand.  I have gifts and abilities to do many things but do I control and transpose those abilities into a useful product?  I often wish I was powerful...strong, smart, handsome, rich.....usually dependent on what I feel deficient of at the moment.  In my humanness I would not only want the power but I would like to hold on to it.  This seems to be a problem.  Am I alone in this or is this something all of us need to be aware?

There is the person who is able to sell and takes it too far and begins to sell unworthy things for unworthy gain.  Or the counselor whose built trust, takes advantage.  Maybe there's a spiritual leader who misinterprets God's heart and uses his position for personal gain.  What if I develop the respect of an employer by being an exceptional employee and then offer myself special privileges?  In college I had a wonderful Dean of Students who was very nice and many students became his friend.  Once the friendship was felt secure some students would begin to push their curfew limits.  Now wouldn't it stand to reason that if the curfew was midnight and my friend was a true friend and the holder of the curfew that I should be in at 11:55 pm instead of 12:30 am?  If I take advantage, I misuse the power of this friendship and it becomes no longer a friendship but a deception.  If I am not careful many of my choices and decisions morph into undetected confusion.

Here are my thoughts on how God's great power may be derailed.  Power is like manna.  Remember when the Children of Israel were out in the wilderness and God gave them manna to eat?  He told them to collect enough for that particular day....and no more.  If they collected more it would rot.  I have gifts and abilities God has given and they stand at the ready.  When God has something for me to do His breathe infuses power into me to complete the task.  However, when I get in the way, I begin to parcel out the power in the way that I want.  God may give me the power to move a mountain but I use it to move a bucket of sand.  I store the rest of the power and it goes bad, it corrupts me and is used for things other than God's design.  I become bitter, conceded or self absorbed.  That power wasn't extra, it was enough.  The next task will be granted enough as well.  It seems I must use all the power God gives me or I cheat the giver of the power.

Of course, I am frail and often feel unworthy with questions of how and where to funnel the power God gives me.  I do, however, think that God can handle my frailties.  Holding back on God's power is my choice to trust, to use it all, to have faith that God will give more for the next task.

Must God's power be used up for each task so this vessel is clean for the next infusion?  Do I want the leftover power to rot my allegiance to this powerful God I serve?  God gives me power so gracefully how can I use it so carelessly?  Maybe all this sounds ludicrous but Satan has this way of shinnying up and confusing me into holding on to God's power till it goes bad and becomes useless, or even worse, that I may use God's power against His own purposes.

Once I steal God's power I become weak and God will accomplish His task without me.  This corruption will bring sadness no matter what lies Satan has hurled my way.  Of course God will except my repentant heart, but wouldn't it be better if at first I would see the fulfillment of His complete power and feel the longing to see God fill full this emptied vessel.

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