Wednesday, June 7, 2017



                                                          Genesis 2:1&2

                                         "Thus the heavens and the earth were
                                             completed in all their vast array.
                                          By the seventh day God had finished
                                         the work He had been doing; so on the
                                        seventh day he rested from all His work."

How do I look at things?  What do I see?  Does it have confusing intricate detail...or is it all in plain view?  It often seems as if the complex issues in the miraculous majesty of God may be something only wise intellectuals can muster.  But I have this thought that, maybe, even the minds of those of us who are less adept can perceive this great Majesty as well.

Now realize, this is not to take anything away from brilliance...if only I had more of this coveted intellect. But this blog is to view perspective in a way to show God's creativity in allowing us to all be interested.

One day I was sitting in on a class of my friend as he was explaining certain views of creation.  His excitement began to ramp up as he described a view of a longer creation than an actual six day span.  In his excitement he began to explain molecules, atoms, light years and on and on.  My thoughts fluttered off into kids movies about toys and my mind began to shut down.  How could I facilitate my view of God in all this?  All these microbes, cellular structures and physic...things were spectacular but how could I calculate my God's Majesty using theory's I couldn't process?

Was my God smaller because my mind couldn't wrap its tentacles around such brilliance?  Could I not stand firm in my belief that the God of my friend and the God of my heart were the same?

The supposition behind the brilliance was that there was so much majesty in this God of much complexity.  And thus the complexity being all true proves that this creation is much more than happenstance.  This amazing feat must have taken more than six actual days to complete. Of course God gives intricate criteria for things like salvation but often we process things in our own peculiar ways. As I think further it makes more sense to me now.  Though we all have our differences God remains the same. He is majestic no matter the perspective.  You see, my friend is brilliant and may be bored with my simple explanation of God's majestic creation.  He dives into the wonders of how this incredible God made all this majesty work.  And me, I am just extremely thankful that God included me in the plan.  Maybe its all a little like Freud and Rip Van Winkle; one agonizes over what our minds do in our sleep and the other can't wait to take a nap.

Its just hard for me to extrapolate on simple words.  Six days seem to be six days.  And is that less majestic?  Did he need more time?  All this complexity created because my God spoke it into being...a Majestic God for a simple man.