Wednesday, December 20, 2017


The shadow of the cross
reveals a story true.

A baby born with love so boundless
to give us life anew.

Wrapped in blood and in a manger
a sacrifice will come

The test will not be easy,
the sins of all, not some.

A Kingly Crown to us be given, 
the One who wore the thorn.

The empty cross, He's risen
the One to us was born.

As always God has more for us than we first understand.  Maybe Christmas wasn't really about the birth of Jesus at all.  It was about beginning the sacrificial process of providing us new life!

John 10:10
"I have come that you may have life
and have it to the full."

Merry Christmas! 

Monday, November 13, 2017


My father was a man of principle.  Often, however, I didn't understand the passion behind the scruples.  You see, there was a hesitancy for him to do certain things for some reason.  I grew up in an age of questions asked.  Unfortunately it wasn't until the last years of his life that we were able to chat as friends instead of "father-son."  There were too many things to find out, at that point, so his concept of Sunday rest went unknown.  It seemed somewhat confusing because activities like playing tennis were OK, but fishing was out of the question.  Fishing...? Why fishing?  Was it too much work to get the boat out, the old motor started and the fish cleaned?  Who knows, but it was off limits.  I will say, however, even this unknown created a semblance of difference and respect for the "day of rest".

Somehow this life has so many ways to fill itself with chaos and mayhem.  Work, it sucks the existence out of us.  Though we now live under grace and we aren't bound by this "day of rest", is the component still essential?

Amy Carmichael puts it this way in the book, "I Come Quietly to Meet You":

                             "Those of us who are God's emissaries are to treat the world
                               (not just its corruptions, but its legitimate joys, its privileges and
                                blessings also), as a thing to be touched at a distance. 
                              We must be aware at all times that, if we are caught by its spirit,        
                               or fed by its meat, we will lose our sensitivity to the very breath
                               of the Highest and will no longer receive the manna that falls
                               from heaven to feed  our souls.

                             It is not that He forbids us this or that indulgence or comfort;
                              not that He is stern, calling us to a life of harsh asceticism,
                             as if that would make Him more pleased with us.  No, it is that we
                             who love our Lord, and we whose affections are set on the things
                             that are heaven for us today, will voluntarily and gladly lay aside
                            things that charm the world, so that we may be charmed and ravished
                            with the things of heaven.  Then our whole being may be poured forth
                            in constant and unreserved devotion in serving our Lord, who died to
                            save us." 

Does freedom lie in the captivity of this Savior?  Is there seriousness in why God gave rest its own special day?  Do I use this day of rest to entangle my life with more nonsense or do I rid the nonsense allowing myself room to be filled with wonder?

Will God judge me if I mow the lawn, play tennis or go fishing?  I should think not.  The offering of spiritual renewal and refreshment is given as a benefit not a painful hindrance.  I don't think God recommends options to give Himself opportunities to punish.  His creation and sacrifice is for our benefit.  If I refuse the benefit to be refreshed, I just won't be refreshed.

We see here then that sacrifice is a risky business.  So just as the soldier died to give me the right to burn the flag he is buried with, he hopes the freedom he sacrificed for would not bring despicable behavior.  This also holds true for the "day of rest".  The freedom we have gained to be refreshed by the sacrifice of Jesus, was meant to establish desire not repugnance.

Is this "day of rest" more important than I had once believed?  Often my fathers principles turn out that way.  Have I given away my freedom for things that just fill time and not refresh?  I must revive myself.  I must spend time with my God and make my "day of rest" worthwhile.  I must be careful because maybe, just maybe, if I am not a servant to the freedom sacrifice has provided I will become a slave to the tyranny I despise. 

Wednesday, June 7, 2017



                                                          Genesis 2:1&2

                                         "Thus the heavens and the earth were
                                             completed in all their vast array.
                                          By the seventh day God had finished
                                         the work He had been doing; so on the
                                        seventh day he rested from all His work."

How do I look at things?  What do I see?  Does it have confusing intricate detail...or is it all in plain view?  It often seems as if the complex issues in the miraculous majesty of God may be something only wise intellectuals can muster.  But I have this thought that, maybe, even the minds of those of us who are less adept can perceive this great Majesty as well.

Now realize, this is not to take anything away from brilliance...if only I had more of this coveted intellect. But this blog is to view perspective in a way to show God's creativity in allowing us to all be interested.

One day I was sitting in on a class of my friend as he was explaining certain views of creation.  His excitement began to ramp up as he described a view of a longer creation than an actual six day span.  In his excitement he began to explain molecules, atoms, light years and on and on.  My thoughts fluttered off into kids movies about toys and my mind began to shut down.  How could I facilitate my view of God in all this?  All these microbes, cellular structures and physic...things were spectacular but how could I calculate my God's Majesty using theory's I couldn't process?

Was my God smaller because my mind couldn't wrap its tentacles around such brilliance?  Could I not stand firm in my belief that the God of my friend and the God of my heart were the same?

The supposition behind the brilliance was that there was so much majesty in this God of much complexity.  And thus the complexity being all true proves that this creation is much more than happenstance.  This amazing feat must have taken more than six actual days to complete. Of course God gives intricate criteria for things like salvation but often we process things in our own peculiar ways. As I think further it makes more sense to me now.  Though we all have our differences God remains the same. He is majestic no matter the perspective.  You see, my friend is brilliant and may be bored with my simple explanation of God's majestic creation.  He dives into the wonders of how this incredible God made all this majesty work.  And me, I am just extremely thankful that God included me in the plan.  Maybe its all a little like Freud and Rip Van Winkle; one agonizes over what our minds do in our sleep and the other can't wait to take a nap.

Its just hard for me to extrapolate on simple words.  Six days seem to be six days.  And is that less majestic?  Did he need more time?  All this complexity created because my God spoke it into being...a Majestic God for a simple man.

Monday, May 29, 2017


Have you ever gotten the feeling that you weren't able to finish something but knew that if you had had the time you wouldn't have been able to get it right anyway?  Often I have had this feeling as a father.  Since my kids have moved on my heart yearns for one more explanation...something to relive the gift of time together.  When their fingers slipped through mine my responsibility seemed incomplete...unfinished.  The present somehow still lay unopened...wrong tears for "I'll miss you, wrong hug for "I'm sorry", Wrong words for "I love you".

Is it possible I made a connection when I noticed that a conflict between a parent and child, or for that matter a child and an aging parent, may be with the perspective of giving instruction the other receiving correction?  Why does the bow on this gift seem to be untouched, the knot still held tight?

Do not misinterpret this difference between instruction and correction.  As we age our search for independence doesn't really leave us, although the focus may change.  We want to be loved, noticed and congratulated for our inferences and discoveries. However, these struggles of acceptance seem to intensify during the teenage and elder years.  The young adult is breaking free and the older adult holding on.  In both cases their hope is in the understanding that trust and belief is needed from those who are closest, yet it is held at a distance, if accepted at all.

                                  "I can do this don't baby me" or "I can do this don't pity me"

When advice is given frustration begins to mount.  My attempt at instruction, meant to help, love and protect, was often met with this frustration, a push back of sorts. I often thought there was some kind of an irritation from the instruction when it may have been a condescending message of correction I was portraying.   My instructive words were coming through with a corrective attitude leaving people lessened not build up.

Jesus handled situations differently, for example, look in the Bible with me at the adulterous woman in John 8.  With simple questions and pictures in the sand, Jesus allowed the Pharisees to admonish themselves and the woman to feel true love and acceptance.  He was able to allow each of them to come to terms with their needed response.   Granted, Jesus is God and I am me so situations often work out differently. but this is a picture, nonetheless, of positive idea transfer.

Did I bolster my parents or my kids?  Do I offer real help to my co-workers?  Do I reach out and help the crabby customer?

I look back and feel somewhat of a failure at opening this gift of communication...the missed opportunities of instruction, the frustrating terms of correction.  But as I age, the picture seems clearer somehow.  Getting it all right pales in comparison to pressing on.  Other lives will experience wisdom I have gained from both triumphs and failures of the past because I have been blessed with the gracious acceptance of my family who have allowed me to practice these many years.

As in the example Jesus set before us in John 8, I pray that my words will be less distinct and my pictures in the sand more evident. This gift of time together continues on as the present does not lie unopened, but has been re-wrapped and the bow untangled to reveal a new gift...a grandson.  Welcome Avery!  Together there will be treasures opened that only we will see...places we will go...people we will meet and secrets we will share.